The music beckoned to me

To go

So I went

In search of what

I cannot be sure

But, when I came to rest

Deep within the soul

Of my own belonging

I looked down to my feet

Planted firmly upon the sturdy ground

And what to my enchantment

Did I find there….

…but an ancient,

primeval forest…

A wildness beyond my imagining

As near as my touch…

It contained its own bewildering completion

Before it would ever even begin

I am mesmerized

As I leave it behind me

Will it stay there

Where I first found it

Or will it travel farther than far

To become all that it was meant to be

The music beckons to me

To go on

So I go

Wondering as I do

At how many moments in a day

Hold the vast possibility of everything

Yet, we move too quickly

To know they are there

I see a primeval forest

At home in the depths of your gaze

I see an ancient universe

Dance in the sparkle of your smile

In the heart of every moment

Eternity is hoping

To become the love story

That it was always meant to be…


ellie894 July 30, 2019

Listening to Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony

47 thoughts on “in the heart of every moment…

    1. Never any need for apologies Drew…and yet I will offer my own as well. I’m sorry I’m replying so late. I’m afraid I just found your comment in my spam folder. Lesson to me – check it more often 🙃

      Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and encouragement. It has made me smile this early morning to find them. Enjoy your days Drew 🌷

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Beautiful poem.
    My dad used to sit me down on the floor in front of the gramaphone and let me listen to classical music, the Pastoral was one of those I loved then and still do.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Morning Rory, happy Sunday! 😊 I write each morning for a little while. Lately life has snuck in and kept me from tidying up those thoughts enough to post. I have highest hopes that I will have something up soon. It’s really nice to hear from you. Thank you for your thoughtful encouragement. 😊. I hope you are well too!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Always great to hear from you too Suzanne –

        Life, yes it does have that irksomeness aspect to it, can relate – well okies then l’ll look out for your newer posts when they arrive, till then please keep well.

        Have a lovely Sunday Suzanne 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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